
外资(欧美) 少于50人 医疗设备/器械


上海轩颐医疗科技有限公司(以下简称“轩颐医疗”)是一家位于上海奉贤经济开发区-上海国家生物产业园的外商独资企业,公司成立于2013年。    轩颐医疗致力于高端医疗器械的研究开发、生产制造以及市场营销。轩颐医疗的管理和技术团队主要由美国和中国从事多年医疗器械行业的资深人员组成。    轩颐医疗目前处于初创期,主要从事眼科、耳鼻喉科、骨科等相关领域一次性使用高端微创医疗器械产品的研究开发,产品技术国内领先,国际同步,具有较强的市场竞争力。轩颐医疗以“协助医生,服务患者”为理念,坚持笃信产品的质量是设计出来,与多家知名医疗机构的专家进行技术合作。    年轻的轩颐医疗,就像东方刚刚露出一缕光辉的太阳,他充满了能量和激情,期待同样有活力、有才干您的加入。   Hanex Medical Co., Ltd. (Hanex Medical) is a exclusively foreign-owned enterprise located in Fengxian Economic Development Park - Shanghai National Biological Industry Zone, founded in 2013.   Hanex Medical is committed to high-Tech medical devices research and development, manufacturing and marketing.   Hanex Medical currently in the start-up phase, mainly engaged in the development of the disposable use of High-Tech minimally invasive medical devices which will be used in Department of ENT, Ophthalmology, orthopedics and other related fields, product technology is leading in domestic and international, with strong market competitiveness.   Hanex Medical’s concept is "Assistant doctor, Service patient”, persist in the quality of products is designed, so the technical cooperation experts with many well-known medical institutions in the product development phase.   Hanex Medical likes the sun he just showing a ray, he is full of energy and passion, looking forward to your participation, if you are the same energetic and talented people.

公司地址:上海市奉贤经济开发区望园路2066号2幢2楼 (邮编:201400)